Field Goal Percentage (FG%) Calculator

Field Goals (FG)
Field Goal Attempts (FGA)
Calculate FG%

What is Field Goal Percentage

Field goal percentage is a statistic used in basketball to measure the accuracy of a player’s shooting ability. It is calculated by dividing the total number of field goals made by the total number of field goals attempted. Field goal percentage is generally expressed as a decimal or percentage, such as .500 (50%) or .375 (37.5%). A higher field goal percentage indicates better shooting accuracy and a higher likelihood of scoring points.

How to Calculate Field Goal Percentage

Calculating field goal percentage is fairly simple. Start by counting the number of field goals made and the number of field goals attempted. Divide the total number of field goals made by the total number of field goals attempted and multiply by 100 to get the percentage. For example, if a player has made 10 out of 20 field goals, the field goal percentage would be 50%.

FG% = Field Goals ÷ Field Goal Attempts × 100

Sources For Formula= MathHelp, Wikipedia

Field Goal Percentage (FG%) Calculator

What is Field Goal Percentage (FG%) Calculator

Field Goal Percentage (FGP) Calculator is a tool used to determine the success rate of a basketball player’s shots from the field. It is calculated by taking the number of successful shots and dividing it by the total number of shots attempted. The resulting percentage gives an indication of how efficient and accurate the player is when shooting from the field. The higher the percentage, the better the shooter’s performance.

Using FGP Calculator

Using a FGP Calculator is easy and straightforward. First, you will need to know the total number of shots attempted by the player, as well as the number of successful shots made. Once these are known, simply enter them into the calculator to get the resulting field goal percentage.

Benefits of Using Field Goal Percentage Calculator

FGP Calculator is a great tool for coaches and players to assess their shooting proficiency. With the help of this calculator, players can easily identify areas where they need to improve and develop their shooting ability. Coaches can also use the FGP Calculator to evaluate players and determine which ones are performing at their best level. By using the field goal percentage calculator, coaches can better understand the strengths and weaknesses of their players . Additionally, FGP Calculator provides data that can be used to compare different players and make decisions on who to select for a team.

The Importance of Field Goal Percentage

Field goal percentage is an important statistic when it comes to evaluating a player’s shooting ability. It is often used by coaches and scouts to determine which players are the most accurate shooters, as well as which players need to work on their shooting skills. Having a higher field goal percentage can also give a team an edge in close games, as having more accurate shooters can mean more points for the team.

Is 45% a good field goal percentage

The average field goal percentage in the NBA is around 45%, so 45% can be considered a good field goal percentage.

Is A 70 Yard Field Goal Possible

Yes, it is possible but still no one done this yet. It would be almost impossible even with a very strong shooter due to the laws of physics.